Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2022
Auch wenn's alle langweilt, habe ich jetzt mal chatGPT bemüht - inspiriert durch Ole.

> can you please formulate an aphorism with "synapses" and "synopses"

1. "Synapses connect the neurons of our brains, just as synopses connect the ideas of our minds."
2. "A synapse is a bridge between neurons, just as a synopsis is a bridge between concepts. Both help us navigate the vast network of our minds."
3. "Synapses connect the neurons of the brain, just as synopses connect the parts of a story. Both help us make sense of the complex network of our minds."
4. "Synapses connect the neurons of the brain, providing a glimpse into the inner workings of the mind. Synopses offer a similar view, bringing together the disparate parts of a story or idea into a cohesive whole."
5. "Synapses and synopses alike offer a window into the complex networks of the brain and mind, connecting and summarizing the scattered pieces of our thoughts and experiences."
6. "Synapses and synopses both bridge the gaps between scattered pieces of information, connecting neurons in the brain and ideas in literature."
7. "Like hidden pathways in the brain, synapses connect neurons in unexpected ways. And like twist endings in a story, synopses can reveal surprising connections between seemingly unrelated ideas."
8. "Synapses and synopses both reveal the hidden connections in the world, illuminating the pathways of the brain and the underlying structure of stories."
9. "Synapses and synopses both expose the interconnectedness of the world, revealing the hidden connections between neurons in the brain and ideas in literature. They remind us that everything is connected, and that understanding one part of the world requires understanding the whole."

Das Geschwafel dazwischen habe ich weggelassen. Bei den verschiedenen Versionen wollte ich mit Nachbohren ein besseres Ergebnis erzielen. Vielleicht erlaubt die Aufgabenstellung aber einfach keinen vernünftigen Aphorismus.

Dies ist kein #spontanaphorismus .