Sonntag, 21. April 2019
- Freiwillig weltweit Bäume pflanzen
- Jewish Places "ausführliche Informationen zu Orten jüdischen Lebens in Deutschland"
- Warum wir Death Metal lieben "wütende Menschen mit gewalttätigen Tendenzen"
- Heindl zum Thema Zeitverstellung "absurden Vorschlag: Dauerhafte Sommerzeit" (danke, Stefan)
- Slavoj Zizek says ‘the dream of universal liberal democracy is over’ "the west’s most dangerous philosopher"
- Research misconduct in health and life sciences research: A systematic review of retracted literature from Brazilian institutions "Publications are not retracted solely for research misconduct but also for honest error"
- An archaeologist identifies urban areas as key aggregators of human social experience "Cities - The First 6,000 Years"

Nachtrag (22.4.2019):
- KI erzeugt nonstop Death-Metal
- Philosophenduell Zizek vs. Peterson

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