Donnerstag, 15. März 2018
Es heißt ja immer Egoshooter spielen macht Amokläufer. Dieses Paper ist zZ in den Medien:
Does playing violent video games cause aggression? A longitudinal intervention study.
"Our participants played the violent video game Grand Theft Auto V, the non-violent video game The Sims 3 or no game at all for 2 months on a daily basis. No significant changes were observed, neither when comparing the group playing a violent video game to a group playing a non-violent game, nor to a passive control group."

Außerdem: After losing two video game-violence papers, co-author’s weapons paper is flagged
"Can seeing a weapon increase aggressive thoughts and behaviors? A meta-analysis on the so-called 'weapons effect' has been flagged ... after the researchers discovered errors affecting at least one of the main conclusions."

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