Donnerstag, 26. November 2020
aus gegebenem Anlaß
Native people take a different view of Thanksgiving
"The narrative that many people have been taught beginning in elementary school about the First Thanksgiving celebration in the United States is based on historically inaccurate myths that fail to acknowledge the devastation wrought by settler colonialism, including genocide, land theft, forced assimilation and cultural appropriation."

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No Trespassing
Tip von Tilly-Billy: Trees swallowing Trespassing Signs

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Mittwoch, 18. November 2020
zusammenhangslos & kommentarlos
The futuristic cargo ship made of wood

Das ENM über Extrabreit

20 Years Aboard the International Space Station

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Freitag, 13. November 2020
Manch spam-Emails sind interessant zu lesen. ZB:

I am Barrister Fred Branson, a personal attorney to Late Ing. Alexander [lastname], a national of your country, and a former Director of Air Liquide operation USA, an Oil & Gas distribution company base in united States of America . On February 3, 2015, my client died together, with his wife and their only daughter on the New York's Train Crash, which unfortunately killed 6 people and wounded about adozen others.

My client had an account valued at about ($ 18.7 million dollars ) he deposited in a bank here in USA. I'm contacting you, so that you will stand as an appointed legal beneficiary (next of kin),since you have the same last name with my client and this amount will be paid into your account then I will come to your country, you and I will share the money 45% for me and 45% for you, then 10% for the Orphanage.

I don't want you to worry about the legal part of the transaction because I'll guide the transaction so that it will go in line with the law in our favor. I will need the following information from you to so that i will give you full details on how to achieve this ...

Den Unfall gab es tatsächlich. Es ist niemand mit meinem Nachnamen unter den Verunglückten.

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Dienstag, 3. November 2020
Morgen, Kinder, wird's was geben ... Aus politischen Dingen halte ich mich raus, bin ja Gast in diesem Land.
Hier nur eine Email von der Uni: "We ... understand that the results of the presidential election will have broad impacts on the United States, current U.S. immigration policies, and the cultural and political climate that our international students, scholars and employees encounter. Leading up to the election, and following the election, we encourage our international community to seek resources to support their mental health and well-being as we navigate this period of anxiety and change."

Nachtrag (4.11.2020): Die US-Wahl ist noch nicht offiziell entschieden, aber Menschen auf Twitter meinen, sie wird auf Biden hinauslaufen. Unterdessen erzählte mir ein Kollege, die Menschen in Brasilien verfolgen die Wahl mit großem Interesse. Die Logik ist, daß sich das Ergebnis auf die Wahl in Brasilien widerspiegeln wird (Bolsanaro).

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Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2020
Gender wars
The gender wars of household chores: a feminist comic
"The French comic artist Emma illustrates the concept of the ‘mental load’. When a man expects his partner to ask him to do things, he is viewing her as the manager of their household chores".

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Montag, 5. Oktober 2020
Klima geht imma
How White Supremacy Caused the Climate Crisis
"Embedded in the theory of racial supremacy is the theory of human supremacy over nature, which has brought environmental calamity upon us."
Was meint Ihr dazu ohne es zu lesen?

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Freitag, 25. September 2020
echte Zufallszahlen
‘A Million Random Digits’ Was a Number-Cruncher’s Bible. Now One Has Exposed Flaws in the Disorder.
"A 1955 Rand Corp. book had a reputation as the go-to source for figures used by pollsters, analysts, researchers; engineer Gary Briggs has ruined it".
Auf twitter kann man den Artikel lesen, aber im Brauser muß man sich einloggen. Komisch.

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Montag, 21. September 2020
simple search
Heute mal wieder was zum Thema Genealogie:
Poznan Project
"Our goal is to transcribe the 19th century marriage records from the historic Greater Poland (then Prussian Province of Poznan) into a searchable online database."

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Sonntag, 20. September 2020
we are Homo Sovieticus
Retaining in the condition of east-west emigration.
"Polish sociologist, gardener, and immigrant Anna Zawadzka explores the convoluted ties between work and personal life in late capitalism, between the ivory tower of academia and the harsh conditions of groundskeeping, by critically focusing on the idealization and pathologization of labour."
Disclaimer: wie immer ungelesen

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