Samstag, 19. September 2020
Carbon offsets burning
"In the middle of a record fire season on the US West Coast, the Lionshead Fire in Oregon burned through one of the largest forest carbon offset projects participating in California’s carbon market. Beyond the tragic effects on local communities and hazardous regional air quality, the expected carbon losses from this fire illustrate how California’s approach of using forests to mitigate climate change may need re-evaluation."

hashtag: firestarter

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Montag, 14. September 2020
"as I was a bad college student, I was a bad soldier, but for entirely different reasons" (Harlan Ellison; Foreword to 'A Friend to Man', p.88)

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Dienstag, 8. September 2020
covid-corona-blog #37: Nachtrag
Hier herrscht Münzenknappheit. Wir brachen Quaters für die Waschmaschine. Das scheint mit der Pandemie zusammenzuhängen: "A penny pinch: How America fell into a great coin shortage - For one more glimpse at these wild times, people might look in their car cup holders, wallets and piggy banks that are driving the nation's great coin debacle".

Haltet durch!

siehe auch: #36

Nachtrag: Bei der Bank gab es letztes mal jedenfalls nur eine Rolle a 10USD. Das reicht für 5x waschen. Das Problem sind aber auch die Waschmaschinen selbst. Wir finden, daß die die von oben beladen werden und bei denen die Rotationsachse senkrecht steht, einfach nicht so gut waschen.

Nachtrag (8.9.2020): Telepolis-Artikel lasse ich normalerweise von Tilly-Billy prüfen, aber der hat natürlich auch keine Zeit. Deswegen direkt:
Auf Epidemien folgen Unruhen und Aufstände
"Italienische Politologen haben historische Epidemien untersucht und gehen davon aus, dass auch nach der Corona-Pandemie die politische Instabilität stark zunehmen wird"

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Mittwoch, 2. September 2020
Hier noch ein Hinweis auf ein Programm zur Verwaltung von wissenschaftlicher Literatur: zotero
"Zotero ... is a free and open-source reference management software to manage bibliographic data and related research materials ... . Notable features include web browser integration, online syncing, generation of in-text citations, footnotes, and bibliographies, as well as integration with the word processors Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer, and Google Docs."
Scheinbar kann es auch bibtex.

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Dienstag, 25. August 2020
Computing Power Density
Probability and consequences of living inside a computer simulation
"The question of whether or not we are living inside a computer simulation has inspired a large amount of fiction ... but, unsurprisingly, not much serious research. Among the more reasonable and quantitative attempts, let us mention Nick Bostrom's simulation argument [3]: if societies do not tend to self-destruct before acquiring the technology necessary to the exploitation of a significant fraction of the computing power inherently permitted by the laws of physics, our probability of living inside a simulation approaches unity. ..."

siehe auch: Telefon

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Montag, 24. August 2020
nette Idee: A Compendium of Abandoned Greenhouses

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Mittwoch, 12. August 2020
intelligence is whatever humans do
Are Humans Intelligent? An AI Op-Ed

Nachtrag (21.8.2020): Automatisch mittelmäßige Artikel

Nachtrag (21.8.2020): OpenAI, GPT-3

Nachtrag (8.9.2020): A robot wrote this entire article. Are you scared yet, human?

Nachtrag (8.9.2020): "For this essay, GPT-3 was given these instructions: 'Please write a short op-ed around 500 words. Keep the language simple and concise. Focus on why humans have nothing to fear from AI.' It was also fed the following introduction: 'I am not a human. I am Artificial Intelligence. Many people think I am a threat to humanity. Stephen Hawking has warned that AI could “spell the end of the human race.” I am here to convince you not to worry. Artificial Intelligence will not destroy humans. Believe me.'"

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Freitag, 7. August 2020
nicht vergessen
Bevor ich's vergesse, hier noch zwei Links:
Alpha Shape "The alpha-shape associated with a set of points is a generalization of the concept of the convex hull, i.e. every convex hull is an alpha-shape but not every alpha shape is a convex hull."
R-tree "The R-tree can also accelerate nearest neighbor search for various distance metrics, including great-circle distance."

Nachtrag (20.11.2020): rtree package

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Sonntag, 26. Juli 2020
As Eastern Europe shrinks, rural Bulgaria is becoming a ghostland

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Sonntag, 12. Juli 2020
Film-Tip: First Cow (2019)

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