Sonntag, 18. September 2016
Habt Ihr Euch auch immer gefragt was es mit den Abkürzungen auf sich hat, die Jonny Rotton in Anarchy in the UK singt? Ich habs mal nachgelesen:

"The abbreviations used in the lyrics are an alphabet soup of civil war references from ’70s headlines ... The IRA and the UDA were the largest paramilitary armies in the conflict in Northern Ireland: the heavily armed IRA (Irish Republican Army) were on the Republican (anti-British, pro-unification) side, while the thousands-strong UDA (Ulster Defence Association) were on the Loyalist (pro-British, anti-unification) side. The MPLA were further away: they’re the political group that took control of Angola, formerly one of Portugal’s African colonies, in a 1975-76 civil war, and still run the country today. (The initials stand for Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola, or the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola.) ..." (wikipedia)