Montag, 8. Januar 2018
Germany vs Elsevier: universities win temporary journal access after refusing to pay fees
"Scientists in Germany can still read journals even though institutions there have not renewed their subscriptions."

"A collection of interactive explorable explanations of complex systems in biology, physics, mathematics, social sciences, epidemiology, ecology and other fields ..."

How to read and understand a scientific paper: a guide for non-scientists
"Update (1/3/18) I’ve been overwhelmed with requests for the shorter guide, and the email address below no longer works."

Wie viel Naturwissenschaft braucht die Zukunft?
"Die Zeitungen sind voll von Horrornachrichten, welche Gefahren der Menschheit, uns allen durch den Fortschritt drohen. Doch bei aller Angst vor der Zukunft: Wo wären wir ohne Evolution von Wissenschaft und Technik?"

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