Donnerstag, 13. Mai 2010
modern art
Yesterday I have visited the Museum of Modern Art. In particular I had a look at two special exhibitions. The first one showed photographs by Henri Cartier-Bresson, who according to wikipedia is considered the father of modern photojournalism. The exhibition also showed where he had been traveling, such as China, some decades ago. I found most interesting the portraits of some famous people, such as Sartre or Camus.
The second special exhibition was by Marina Abramović. It also included some live performances and videos showing recorded ones. I liked the most one, where a women (not sure if it was her) wears a black dress and holds a pan filled to the top with milk. She stands in some kind of kitchen and after some time, her arms get tired and she starts to spill over some milk. The video goes on like this for roughly 15min.

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