Dienstag, 12. Mai 2009
New Berlin
After one week I realized that some aspects of Berlin are not very different from New York. One example are the trains. Ok, in NY they are still much noisier, but the thing of week end schedule happens also in Berlin, although probably not to the same extend. Also, long commute can be necessary in both cities. In this sense, there are also differences. While in NY Manhattan is some kind of center of the city, in Berlin there are many fashionable neighborhoods (Kiez) and it is a matter of taste, where people want to live or go out. To some extend this is also true for NY, but in Berlin it seems to be more pronounced. Probably these similarities are due to the size of the urban agglomeration. In addition, in both cities those people who try to be cool, go by bike. Although, in Berlin a bike seems to be indispensable and there are lot of people biking. It is also more convenient because there are almost no hills. I am not sure about which city is larger in area. In NY I learned that it does not matter how one is styled – as long as one is styled at all. Fashionable people in Berlin also seem to follow this attitude.