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Die Suche nach 'arxiv' hat 46 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 31 bis 40.

Ich poste ja öfter mal was zum Thema Roboter oder künstliche Intelligenz etc. Da tut sich echt was und es wundert nicht, daß sich Menschen Gedanken über AI Principles (23 Asilomar... ...
by diegolego (2017.02.06, 14:29)

Predatory Publishing
Neue Kuriositäten aus dem wissenschaftlichen Publikationswesen Habs wieder nur überflogen, aber scheinbar hat jemand den Grundschulaufsatz eines Siebenjährigen bei einer Peer-Review-Zeitschrift... ...
by diegolego (2017.01.15, 18:52)

Heindl hat über KIC 8462852 geschrieben: blog, arXiv (danke Stefan) arXiv-abstract: "The star KIC 8462852 shows a very unusual and hard to comprehend light curve. The dip d7922 absorbs 16% of the... ...
by diegolego (2017.01.12, 08:32)

Apfel Intelligenz
Learning from Simulated and Unsupervised Images through Adversarial Training Scheinbar das erste wissenschaftliche Paper aus dem Apple-Konzern. ...
by diegolego (2016.12.28, 16:03)

What Counts as Science? The arXiv preprint service is trying to answer an age-old question. see also: arXiv ...
by diegolego (2016.11.01, 16:04)

Bots Fight
Even Good Bots Fight (arXiv): "In recent years, there has been a huge increase in the number of bots online, varying from Web crawlers for search engines, to chatbots for online customer service, spambots... ...
by diegolego (2016.09.21, 11:30)

Passivhaus spart im Test kaum Betriebskosten (hab das urpsrünglich irgendwoanders gelesen, kann aber die Quelle nicht mehr finden). Nachtrag: das erinnert mich ans Kernpraktikum ...
by diegolego (2016.08.30, 16:52)

Gender gap in the ERASMUS mobility program
Namely, for almost all participating countries, female students are over-represented in the ERASMUS program when compared to the entire population of tertiary students. The same tendency is observed across... ...
by diegolego (2016.02.05, 15:25)

icar & Co
interesting: Why Self-Driving Cars Must Be Programmed to Kill link to arXiv: 1510.03346 ...
by diegolego (2015.11.06, 14:32)

The Evolution of Popular Music: USA 1960-2010
The Evolution of Popular Music: USA 1960-2010 Matthias Mauch, Robert M. MacCallum, Mark Levy, Armand M. Leroi In modern societies, cultural change seems ceaseless. The flux of fashion is especially obvious... ...
by diegolego (2015.02.23, 11:24)